MBM Trinbago Meals catering business was birthed after I had lost my job due to the effects of COVID-19. Unfortunately I was employed on a contract basis as a quality engineer technical assistant in early 2020. Due to the effects of Covid-19 on the business My...
COVID-19 2020

COVID-19 2020

After getting coronavirus in February 2020 it’s been a road to recovery and discovery. Holding on to my faith is a necessity a life line and more needed than ever before without my faith I would not be here today….. to find out more about my journey...
Made By Mel- Bespoke Designs

Made By Mel- Bespoke Designs

Hi I have a Facebook page with all the latest designs of the Jewellery I am Making. Please check out the Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/witnessmelBespokeDesigns

Handmade bracelets to order 

Hi I have been in a creative season lately and have been making beautiful handmade bracelets please feel free to call me or text me on 07792557204 if you would like to know more or order any…… God bless 

“My beautiful struggle” by Chantelle Gillespie 

If you have struggled with wearing make up or should I say not being able to go out without it then I recommend you please watch this short video diary and Testermony of a dear friend and sister  of mine As she goes through her season without the make up and the...

My child 

My Child ~You may not know me, but I know everything about you ~ Psalm 139:1 I know when you sit down and when you rise up ~ Psalm 139:2 I am familiar with all your ways ~ Psalm 139:3  Even the very hairs on your head are numbered ~ Matthew 10:29-31 For you were...